Black Heart Doodle

September 22, 2024

Black Heart Doodle
Black Heart Doodle

Chicago Lawn ​Neighborhood

Starting in

Marquette​ Park​

Black Heart Doodle
Black Heart Doodle
Black Heart Doodle



Run the Lawn is a community 5k and ​Wellness Fair hosted by the Peace and ​Wellness Coalition.

Run the Lawn es una carrera comunitaria de 5 km y ​una Feria del Bienestar organizada por la Coalición ​para la Paz y el Bienestar.

This year we’re excited to bring you ​resources and activities for the whole ​familiy.

Este año nos complace ofrecerle recursos y ​actividades para toda la familia.

Medical Care Icon

wellness fair

Free resources from​ local community orga​nizations that focu​s on mental and phys​ical wellness

Recursos gratuitos de ​organizaciones locales ​centradas en el bienestar ​físico y mental.

Running Man with Motion Lines

5K timed run

In collaboration with​ local running teams​

Carrera de 5 km en ​colaboración con equipos ​locales de corredores


walk & roll

Walk at you own pace ​with your family

Camine a su paso con su ​familia

Fun activities to p​romote peace and s​afe spaces for kids ​and famil​ies

Actividades divertidas ​para promover la paz y la ​seguridad para niños y ​familias

Thanks to contributions from ​dozens of community stakeholders ​and partners, we’re able to bring ​wellness resources and safe family ​fun & entertainment to the people of ​Chicago Lawn and the South side of ​Chicago.

Gracias a las contribuciones de docenas de ​miembros y socios de la comunidad, ​podemos ofrecer recursos gratis para de sa​lud y diversión y entretenimiento par​a las familias de Chicago Lawn y el suroe​ste de Chicago.


HCEZ Healthy Heart and Mind Initiative


HCEZ Healthy Heart and Mind Initiative

Bold Organic Clouds
Bold Organic Clouds
Black Heart Doodle
Black Heart Doodle
Black Heart Doodle

Want to sponsor

Run the Lawn 5K?

Contact Armando @ ​

Black Heart Doodle
Black Heart Doodle
Grass Flat Icon
Grass Flat Icon

Join Us!

Join us for this free event on September 22, 2024 ​at Marquette Park with your family.

Acompáñanos en este evento gratis el 22 de septiembre de ​2024 en Marquette Park con tu familia.


Interested in helping out? Click below to join our ​volunteer team.

¿Le gustaría ayudarnos? Haga clic a abajo para formar parte ​de nuestro equipo de voluntarios.



Follow Us on Social Media for the most current updates!

Síganos en las redes sociales para mantenerse al tanto.

September 22, 2024



10am - 12pm

5k Race

Walk & Roll

11am - 3pm

Wellness Fair


Light in the ​Night

Running Man with Motion Lines
Medical Care Icon
Led Diode Light Icon


Last year, the Peace and Wellness Coalition hosted its first ​Wellness Fair in Chicago Lawn by bringing together various ​stakeholders from the south side of Chicago to address the ​needs of our community.

This coalition was first convened in October of 2022, with the ​guidance of the Southwest Organizing Project (SWOP)​, to collaborate with city departments, elected officials, scho​ols, churches, healthcare providers, and faith-based​ and community organizations to address local issues and ne​e​ds.

The coalition’s purpose is to collaborate with Chicago ​Lawn stakeholders to develop initiatives that promote, increase,​ and sustain peace and wellness across Chicago Lawn​ and surrounding communities. We make this vision possibl​e by working on several local issue areas such as safety​ and resource accessibil​i​ty.

This event will bring more visibility to our hyper-local servi​ces, partners, and sponsors that are dedicated to healthy​ and peaceful initiatives in our communit​ies.


When and where can I pick up my 5k race packet?

If you are participating in the timed 5K race, you can pick up your race bib ​before the race on the day of the event.

Is there an age requirement to run the timed 5K race?

Children must be at least 8 years of age to participate in the 5k timed ​race.

Will there be a warm-up activity before the 5k race?


My friends and family want to attend to cheer me on. Do they need to ​register for the event?

Registration is only required for runners participating in the timed 5K ​race. Everyone is welcome to attend to cheer on the racers stick around ​for the Wellness Fair.

Is water provided on the course?


What time will the 5k race begin?

Registration starts at 9am. Race begins at 10am

Will there be a bag check for runners?

There will be a Gear Check. While you run, your gear will be held at Gear ​Check. Each runner will receive a large bag when you pick up your packet ​that will serve as your gear bag. Attach your gear tag to your gear bag ​before you leave it with the Gear Check crew. After the race, reclaim ​your checked bag at the Gear Check area. Please note: DO NOT leave ​valuables, cash or jewelry in your gear bag. The event is not responsible ​for any lost items. Gear bags must be claimed before close of the event.

Are strollers allowed?

Yes. Families with strollers are welcome to participate in our Walk and Roll ​5k.

Will there be food at this event?

Limited free food during the first hour. Food can be purchased from food ​vendors during the Wellness Fair.

Are pets allowed?

Yes. Please curb your pets.

Where can I park?

There is street parking in and around Marquette Park. We recommend ​using public transportation.